full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Clint Smith: "Ode to the Only Black Kid in the Class"

Unscramble the Blue Letters

I'm Clint Smith and this is "Ode to the Only Black Kid in the cslas." You, it seems, are the manifestation of several lifetimes of toil. Brown v. Board in flesh. Most days the csalosrom feels like an antechamber. You are deeemd exeprt on all things Morrison, King, Malcolm, Rosa. Hell, weren’t you sitting on that bus, too? You are every- body’s best friend until you are not. Hip-hop lyricologist. Presumed athlete. Free & Reduced sideshow. Exception and caricature. Too black and too white all at once. If you are successful it is because of affirmative action. If you fail it is because you were dsenteid to. You are invisible until they turn on the Friday nhigt ltgihs. Here you are star before they render you atesroid. Before they watch you turn to dust.

Open Cloze

I'm Clint Smith and this is "Ode to the Only Black Kid in the _____." You, it seems, are the manifestation of several lifetimes of toil. Brown v. Board in flesh. Most days the _________ feels like an antechamber. You are ______ ______ on all things Morrison, King, Malcolm, Rosa. Hell, weren’t you sitting on that bus, too? You are every- body’s best friend until you are not. Hip-hop lyricologist. Presumed athlete. Free & Reduced sideshow. Exception and caricature. Too black and too white all at once. If you are successful it is because of affirmative action. If you fail it is because you were ________ to. You are invisible until they turn on the Friday _____ ______. Here you are star before they render you ________. Before they watch you turn to dust.


  1. destined
  2. deemed
  3. lights
  4. expert
  5. night
  6. class
  7. classroom
  8. asteroid

Original Text

I'm Clint Smith and this is "Ode to the Only Black Kid in the Class." You, it seems, are the manifestation of several lifetimes of toil. Brown v. Board in flesh. Most days the classroom feels like an antechamber. You are deemed expert on all things Morrison, King, Malcolm, Rosa. Hell, weren’t you sitting on that bus, too? You are every- body’s best friend until you are not. Hip-hop lyricologist. Presumed athlete. Free & Reduced sideshow. Exception and caricature. Too black and too white all at once. If you are successful it is because of affirmative action. If you fail it is because you were destined to. You are invisible until they turn on the Friday night lights. Here you are star before they render you asteroid. Before they watch you turn to dust.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

Important Words

  1. action
  2. affirmative
  3. antechamber
  4. asteroid
  5. athlete
  6. black
  7. board
  8. brown
  9. bus
  10. caricature
  11. class
  12. classroom
  13. clint
  14. days
  15. deemed
  16. destined
  17. dust
  18. exception
  19. expert
  20. fail
  21. feels
  22. flesh
  23. free
  24. friday
  25. friend
  26. hell
  27. invisible
  28. kid
  29. king
  30. lifetimes
  31. lights
  32. lyricologist
  33. malcolm
  34. manifestation
  35. morrison
  36. night
  37. presumed
  38. reduced
  39. render
  40. rosa
  41. sideshow
  42. sitting
  43. smith
  44. star
  45. successful
  46. toil
  47. turn
  48. watch
  49. white